Penetration Testing Scope Form Thank you for considering Pretera for your cybersecurity needs. Someone from our team will reach back at you as soon as possible. Company Name:* Company Size: Company City, State:* First Name:* Last Name:* Email:* Enter the Web Application/Website URL(s) to be tested, separated by a comma:*If not applicable, type N/A. Are you conducting Internal Network Penetration Testing? If yes, please enter the Network Subnets or IP(s) to be tested, separated by a comma:*If not applicable, type N/A. Please upload the APK File for your Android App Please upload the IPA File for your iOS App Enter the Mobile Application (iOS & Android) user roles to be tested, separated by a comma:*If not applicable, type N/A. Cloud Infrastructure Testing*Select the cloud platform you use only if you are testing your cloud infrastructure internally (authenticated). —Please choose an option—AWS - Amazon Web ServiceAzure - Microsoft AzureGCP - Google Cloud PlatformNot Applicable Are you conducting Email Phishing Assessment?*Email phishing assessments involve simulated phishing scenarios to evaluate an organization's susceptibility to phishing attacks. —Please choose an option—YesNot InterestedNot Applicable Do you need Information Security Training?*Information security training is crucial to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize, mitigate, and respond effectively to evolving cyber threats. —Please choose an option—YesNoNot Applicable If you selected to do Email Phishing Assessment/InfoSec Training, how many employees do you have? Testing Type*Black Box Testing refers to unauthenticated testing / Gray Box Testing refers to authenticated testing. —Please choose an option—Black Box (External)Gray Box (Internal + External) What type of environment are you conducting testing in?* —Please choose an option—Testing/Staging EnvironmentProduction Environment Estimated Start Date for your Testing* Upload any extra information you might have Additional Information Reset